Shopping guide

Cancellation and returns

You can only cancel an order if its status is "Received", by clicking in Orders.

Once the order has been cancelled, you will be refunded in the same way that you made your purchase. This process may take a few days, depending on your bank.

Remember that you have 30 days from the order’s delivery date to process the return. After this time, no returns will be accepted.

Returns are free, provided they are done through our available shipping methods:
Service TypeCost of Service
United States
Collection Point

To process the return of an order, go to My Account > Orders or select the order to be returned from the Returns section. You will have to click on the items and the reason of return, then click "continue", and you can find the drop-off location near to you. You will have to place the return label provided in the original package, if you don't have it or have lost it, click the box to receive a new label in your email.

  1. Prepare the return by re-using the shipping bag itself or, alternatively, an appropriate packaging (box, bag, etc.).
  2. On the outside, fix the courier’s return label, if any.
  3. Seal the bag correctly.

Remember that all items that are to be returned must be in the condition in which they were sent, unused and with all the tags. Once it has been verified that the returned garment is in perfect condition, the amount will be refunded.

You will receive the amount by the same form of payment used in your purchase in an estimated time of 10-14 days, depending on your bank.

Exchanges are not available at this time. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please follow the instructions above to return your item.